Morrinsville Intermediate School - Kia U Ki Te Pai - Whatever You Do, Let It Be Your Best

24 Elizabeth Avenue, Morrinsville    Phone: 07 889 6629    Email:

Natalie Dyer


RTLB Cambridge


General Information

Tēnā koutou katoa
Since completing my teaching degree 11 years ago, I have been privileged to teach at a small country school just outside of Waharoa. During this time I have developed a special interest in accelerating learning for those children who face challenges and barriers with achievement. My own teaching practice has been influenced by the guidance and support I received from the services of RTLB, ensuring my students were supported to overcome difficulties.
Being passionate about children believing in themselves and being all that they can be, I feel honoured that I can now give support in a more specialised way. With this thinking, and consolidating what I have learnt as a classroom and specialist literacy teacher, I am very excited to have the opportunity to develop my own learning further.
I am very much looking forward to meeting, and collaborating with, the RTLB team at Cambridge, local schools within the cluster, and with those students and whānau that that are facing challenges.
Ngā mihi nui
Natalie Dyer
Ph 027 5324 592