Morrinsville Intermediate School - Kia U Ki Te Pai - Whatever You Do, Let It Be Your Best

24 Elizabeth Avenue, Morrinsville    Phone: 07 889 6629    Email:

Morrinsville Intermediate School is located in the heart of the Waikato Region situated in the town of Morrinsville. The school roll is currently 307 students.

The staff, pupils and community are driven by a desire for excellence. A special feature of the school is the strong parental support it receives and a commitment by everyone involved towards giving each pupil a quality education.

School Motto: The Morrinsville Intermediate School Motto is:  "Kia U Ki Te PaiWhatever you do, let it be your best.”  This is enacted through doing our best for:

  • Rangatiratanga (ourselves)
  • Manaakitanga (others)
  • Whakawhanaungatanga (the community)
  • Kaitiakitanga (the environment)

School Vision:  "Empowering Learners to Succeed".

 At Morrinsville Intermediate School we believe that...

  • All students can learn and achieve personal excellence
  • Learning will be holistic
  • Teachers will provide an environment to challenge and empower all students as learners
  • All people will feel valued, included and respected
  • We are a learning community who work in partnership for the benefit of all
  • Strong and positive relationships are fostered within the school and wider community

Core values of Morrinsville Intermediate School:                                                                                                            Respect,  independence,  confidence,  co-operation,  commitment,  resilience,  curiosity,  integrity,  empathy,  tolerance,  appreciation,  creativity.

Important Notices

  • Mid-year student reports will be going home on Monday next week. Next Wednesday (31st July) we have our Student Learning Conversations which are designed to be complementary to the reports. The link to make a booking is below. Please note that school will be open only for supervision on Wednesday 31st July.

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